HIV Resources

Southern Policymaker Academy Program

Event Social Media Toolkit

Sample press release, social media, and additional resources to advocate for and amplify our cause.

HIV Terminology Guide

Consideration and use of appropriate language can strengthen the global response to the HIV pandemic by diminishing stigma and discrimination and increasing support and understanding for individuals and communities living with HIV.

The Importance of Federal, State, and Local Investments Toward Ending the HIV Epidemic

Overview of how state and local investments in HIV, in conjunction with Federal programs, can provide comprehensive support for HIV treatment and prevention towards ending the HIV epidemic.

Leveraging Lessons Learned from the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative

Policy recommendations to strengthen the EHE to meet the needs of Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and other people living with HIV.

Southern States Manifesto 2024

HIV impacts the South with greater intensity than the rest of the nation. This crisis demands immediate and focused action.

The Importance of Rapid Start to HIV Care

Benefits of Rapid Start and how a rapid start strategy can address health equity.

Rapid Start Model Legislation

Model legislation for the Rapid Start HIV Treatment Act.

Open Access Toolkit

Outlining of the importance of open access to ARVs in achieving health equity, providing key services to older adults living with HIV, which states maintain strong protections for ARVs, and model legislation toward providing protection.

Toward PrEP Access for All

An analysis of policies, approaches, and strategies in the Southern U.S.

Timeline of State Reforms and Repeals of HIV Criminal Laws

Timeline of states with the most significant changes to their HIV laws.

HIV in the U.S. South

A look at HIV in the U.S. South.

HIV in Alabama

A look at HIV in Alabama.

HIV in Arkansas

A look at HIV in Arkansas.

HIV in District of Columbia

A look at HIV in District of Columbia.

HIV in Delaware

A look at HIV in Delaware.

HIV in Florida

A look at HIV in Florida.

HIV in Georgia

A look at HIV in Georgia.

HIV in Kentucky

A look at HIV in Kentucky.

HIV in Louisiana

A look at HIV in Louisiana.

HIV in Maryland

A look at HIV in Maryland.

HIV in Mississippi

A look at HIV in Mississippi.

HIV in North Carolina

A look at HIV in North Carolina.

HIV in Oklahoma

A look at HIV in Oklahoma.

HIV in South Carolina

A look at HIV in South Carolina

HIV in Tennessee

A look at HIV in Tennessee.

HIV in Texas

A look at HIV in Texas.

HIV in Virginia

A look at HIV in Virginia.

HIV in West Virginia

A look at HIV in West Virginia.

State of HIV Stigma Report

The 2023 GLAAD report about Americans’ knowledge and attitudes around HIV and HIV stigma.

Deeper Look: HIV Criminalization

One-stop shop for a deep dive into criminalization of HIV.

Deeper Look: HIV in Black Communities

One-stop shop for a deep dive into how HIV impacts Black communities across the U.S.

Deeper Look: Health Equity and HIV

One-stop shop for a deep dive into how addressing disparities in health is important to increase health outcomes of the broad population, reduce health care costs, and achieve equity.

Deeper Look: Ending the HIV Epidemic

One-stop shop for a deep dive into national initiative Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America.

Deeper Look: PrEP

One-stop shop for a deep dive into PrEP use.

Deeper Look: HIV in the South

One-stop shop for a deep dive into how HIV impacts the Southern U.S.

Deeper Look: HIV Among Hispanic/Latinx People

One-stop shop for a deep dive into how HIV impacts Hispanic/Latinx people.

Deeper Look: HIV Among Women

One-stop shop for a deep dive into how HIV impacts women.

Deeper Look: HIV and the Faith Community

One-stop shop for a deep dive into HIV and the faith community.

Southern Policymaker Academy

July 30: Atlanta City Hall, 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

July 31: The Carter Center, 453 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30307

July 30: 4 pm - 7 pm ET
July 31: 8 am - 4:30 pm ET


+Please be aware that if you are a licensed US physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, meals provided in connection with this meeting may be reportable under the Federal Open Payments / Sunshine Act.